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WebQuest Use


Why reinvent the wheel? Instead of starting from scratch, start by exploring “the what” others have created. You may find a WebQuest that fits your needs.   All of use teach and use lesson ideas in different ways.  It is much easier to modify the work of others than to start from nothing.  If all  you can use are the source links you still have a great head start.


Identifying WebQuests


WebQuests all share the same basic elements. These include an introduction, task, information resources, processes, learning advice, and evaluation. Look for the basic WebQuest elements in one of the following examples: 

  • Middle/Secondary: Math, Science, & Other Subject Areas
  • Evaluating WebQuests


    Just because a WebQuest contains the essential elements, doesn't mean that it's perfect for your classroom. Look beyond the structure and examine the effectiveness, efficiency, and appeal of the project. Ask yourself: Is it a quality project? Does it fit my needs? Is it a good use of time? Is it a good use of technology? You can use the SDSU evaluation rubric. Use the following links to locate WebQuests in your area of interest. Then, evaluate at least two.


    Click on one of the following grade levels for a set of webquest examples:

    Locating WebQuests


    Try locating a webquest using a search engine. Try Google, Alta Vista,  or Yahoo. Use quotation marks to narrow the search such as "earthquake webquest" or "gold rush" + "webquest"


    Integrating WebQuests


    Select a WebQuest you might integrate into your classroom. Consider the following questions:



    Revised 10/11/11