WWW--World Wide WebThe graphical interface to the Internet. This is the area of the web where information is presented in a visual (picture) format. The creation of web browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer make the web more exciting by adding pictures and color. Access to documents, files, programs, newsgroups, html files, java applets, e-mail, chat and more are all part of the world wide web. The WWW was created by CERN (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics) in 1992 based on the work of Ted Nelson who created hypertext in 1960. Hypertext allowed link documents to be stored on different computers. Apple Macintosh users familiar with HyperCard and Hyper Studio are using hypertext in these applications. Hypertext came to the web by way of Mosaic the forerunner of Netscape and finally Internet Explorer. Internet addresses are known as Uniform Resource Locators. The URL gives the exact location of any Internet resource Translates As: hypertext transfer protocol://world wide web. computer named apple. commercial service/subdirectory education/filename. hypertext markup language Endings on the Internet You will always know what type of service you are visiting if you look at the ending of the address. Remember in Internet lingo a period (.) is referred to as a dot. So the dot com (or other ending) is the key to the type of computer (server) you are visiting. .com commercial service .edu educational organization .gov government .mil military .org organizations that don't fit into any other category .net network resources .arpa associated with ARPANET, the organization that created the Internet .nato North Atlantic Treaty Organization If you understand the URL you can never get lost on the Information Superhighway. |
This page was updated on: 04/10/02 |