SRC*TEC a consortium of southeastern United States with many rural areas offers a web site that is focused on teacher needs. This site called 4teachers is an excellent source of ideas and tools that allow the teacher to use the Internet more effectively. At this site are several specific tools that assist in the development of online lessons, quizzes, worksheets, and rubrics. Not only can the teacher create from their own, they can use the materials that have already been created by others.
Some of the excellent tools found at 4teachers include:
TrackStar Easily create annotated online lessons that guide students through sites that you choose.
QuizStar Create a custom quiz that learners can take online.
RubiStar Customize
a rubric for many different activities, then print it out for your students.
To see a demonstration track for a lesson in social studies go to Trackstar and enter the number 81774 into Track ID.
To see a demonstration quiz for a lesson is social studies go to Quizstar and enter the number 15763 into the Quiz ID.