to files that other people have created
tag used to create a link.
Anchor text--The
highlighted part of the tag that the reader clicks on to activate the hypertext
type of graphic involving images that play over and over, making them appear to
be moving.
Web pages that are formatted using the <BODY>..</BODY> tags. Browser--A
program that allows you to view Web documents.
Container tags--Tags
that need to be turned on and off.
for glossaries or other situations where terms are followed by longer blocks of
text. Downloading--The
process of saving a file from the Internet to your computer.
Elastic frames--A
frame that enlarges or gets smaller depending on how much room is left in the
Empty tags--Tags
that are used by themselves and that do not need to be turned off.
Frameset documents--Contain information necessary for the browser to determine what kind of frame structure to use when dividing the window.Framing--Dividing
a single browser window into multiple windows for separate document viewing.
GIF file--Short
for Graphics Interchange Format a type of graphics file use for clip art and
other images.
clip art, and other images that can make your Web page more interesting.
Hexadecimal format--Method
of combining letters and numbers to create colors on web pages
Home page--The
first screen you see when your browser starts; the first page (index.htm or
default.htm) of a web site.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)--Language
and syntax for designing and creating documents for the WWW Hyperlink--Allows
the reader to change from one document to another
worldwide collection of networks
JPEG file--Short
for Joint Photographic Expert Group, a graphics file used mainly for photos.
Line break--Equal
to pressing the ENTER key
of computers that can share and exchange information
Ordered list--Numbered
list for giving instructions that need to be performed in a certain order.
Relative linking--Linking
to other files. The files are
usually located in the same directory or on the same server.
Source Code--Text
used to create Web pages
Structural tags--Allow
the browser to display the document information in the form of a Web page.
Style tags--Used
to change the way your text looks.
used in creating HTML documents
Text file--Document
that contains only letters, numbers and symbols
switch back and forth or turn a feature on and off
Unordered list--Bulleted
lists used when items do not need to be in any particular order
of saving a file from your computer to the Internet
for Uniform Resource Locator. The
address of a Web page.
person in charge of creating and maintaining Web pages.
Web pages--HTML
Web server--A
computer that stores Web pages and makes them available on the Internet.
World Wide Web--A
huge collection of text, image, audio, and video data that is scattered across
computers and networks around the world.
This page was updated on: 04/10/02 |