Searching the Internet
Searching Tips
- Read "Search tips" or "help" if offered at a particular site.
You may want to print these out to use as a quick reference.
- Use Boolean search tools (AND, OR, NOT, + , -, etc..) whenever possible.
AND (+) - only returns pages with both terms
on them, this limits the search.
OR- returns every page with either
term, this broadens the search.
NOT (-) - returns the pages with
one and not the other term on them, this limits the search.
- Use singular nouns rather than plural. This will give you the greatest returns on
your search.
- For general words, use all lower-case. Capitalize proper names.
- Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
- If you enclose phrases in quotes, this may help limit your search. Example:
"Internet lessons" will only return documents in which this exact phrase
appears, and not all documents in which either of the words "Internet" or
"lessons" appears.
- Use the "*" operator for strings. Examples: micro* matches microscope
and microcomputer.
Always Remember
- Use more specific Educational search engines when you want to find something that your
students can use.
- Use one or two search engines frequently as you get to know them well. This will
help you find your information efficiently.
- Keep in mind that information found on the web is not always correct or valid. Be
sure to evaluate the site for credibility.
Where can I go for more information?
Search Engine Watch