SOL Resources
and Social Science Standards of Learning
- Web Resources from the Department of Education--index page that lists
standards by grade level. A listing of resources by SOL at each grade
level. The SOL is listed and under it is a listing of specific
websites that offer information that pertains to the list standard.
This was compiled by the College of William and Mary and the Department of
Virginia SOL--online tests and
- Created by a Northern Virginia Elementary School, this set of links
provides by subject and grade level, practice tests online.
Additionally they supply links to web sites they found of interest.
SOL Links by Standard--University of Richmond
- A listing of resources by SOL at each grade level. The SOL is listed
and under it is a listing of specific websites that offer information that
pertains to the list standard. Additionally the sites are coded,
lesson or activity sites, teacher information sites, student sites.
Texas Test of Basic Skills
- This is the location of the released items from the Texas Standards
test. There are many questions here in social studies. Remember
Harcourt Brace the author of our tests, writes the test for Texas
also. You may find some additional test items with the same format
used in Virginia.
New York Regents
Exam Site
- Here is the location of the released items for the New York Regents
exam. You may find some test items that will assist in working with
your students in preparing them for the Virginia SOL tests.
Regent's Prep Web Site
- The goal of this nonprofit site is to help high school students meet the
New York State Regents requirements in English, Mathematics, Science, and
Social Studies. This project is supported by a federally-funded Title
III Technology Literacy Challenge Grant. Great list of links to
subject matter information.
History Matters
Global Studies
World History help from the Global Studies Regent's Exam. You
could go out and spend a lot of money on tutors or you could guide yourself
to a review for the Global Studies Regents exam. Or you could do both. Try
this. There are lots of practice questions, old Regents exams, reviews of
topics and games to help you do well on the Global Regents.
World History Practice Tests
- Welcome to PH@School's Brief
Review in Global History and Geography Web site. Here you can test
your knowledge with multiple-choice questions from actual Regents exams.
Test Prep
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