Directions for Scanning
- Place picture in scanner lining up with green arrow.
- Click PREVIEW.
- To crop picture, take CROSSHAIR ( + ) and place on upper left portion of
the picture.
- Hold down LEFT mouse button.
- DRAG to include only the portion of the picture you want to save to disk.
- Click ZOOM.
- Reframe if needed by using double arrows.
- Go to SCALING. Make sure picture WIDTH is sized no larger than
- Go to FILE, SAVE AS.
- Click DOWN ARROW to locate the 3 1/2" Floppy (A:).
- Name the file and click SAVE.
- Scanned images take up a lot of space. If you want to use them on a
web page you must convert them to either .jpg or .gif format. You will
need to use a conversion program like Paint Shop Pro to do