Net Responsibility
Beware of the potholes in the Information Highway!!
- Controversy--anxiety from parents and peers that students might go
"where no man should tread." Since the Internet is an area
unsupervised and vehemently protected by First Amendments proponents, fear
will exist that students might stumble into places that are unsavory or
unacceptable by most standards.
- Guidelines--establish an acceptable use policy for
use of the Internet. By establishing guidelines, you deal with
preventative measures and at least alert students to appropriate behavior if
faced with a controversial situation.
- Integrate--let your curriculum drive the use of the internet. There should
always be a reason and an objective to be accomplished before using the
internet. Aimlessly browsing or "surfing" the net is an
unacceptable use of instructional time.
Good Citizens on the Internet:
- Never knowingly post or forward information that is not true.
- Have good manners.
- Tell people when you like their work.
- Be creative, not destructive.
- Always obey copyright laws.
- Think before sending.
- Be yourself--don't lie to others.
- Don't use someone else's account or password.
- Ask for help when needed.
- Think before uploading or downloading.
Source: The Ten
Commandments for Computer Ethics