Interactive Notebook History Alive is a program that provides a different way to offer instruction in the Social Studies classroom. For more information on the program see the following website: Eight History Alive Strategies Interactive Slide Lecture Social Studies Skill Builders Experiential Exercise Writing for Understanding Response Groups Problem Solving Groupwork Interactive Notebooks Culminating Projects What is the Interactive Notebook? Interactive Notebook... Allows students to record information about history in an engaging way. They can… Transform written concepts into visuals Find main points of a political cartoon Organize historical events into a topical map Draw whatever illustration that makes sense to them Personalize the historic event Interactive Notebooks… Organize the student Help students sequence assignments Encourage pride in student work Facilitate cooperative interaction Appeal to multiple intelligences Provide opportunities to spiral instruction and facilitate learning The TASK is… Complex Takes patience Requires good modeling Must be consistently reinforced This teaching skill takes time to learn Many student notebooks are drab repositories of information filled with uninspired, unconnected, and poorly understood ideas. History Alive Website Interactive Notebooks… Are colorful with diagrams, bullets and arrows Are in pencil and crayon Are presented in a unique, personal style Key ideas are underlined in color or highlighted Venn diagrams show relationships Cartoon sketches show people and events Timelines illustrate chronology Arrows show relationships Interactive Notebooks Require Students to record history in an engaging way They use several types of writing and innovative graphic techniques to record history They are forced to process these ideas
Students are encouraged to use critical thinking and be more creative, independent thinkers What students need… Notebook, pencil, colored markers or crayons, highlighters They might use scissors, glue stick, and more colored pens Interactive Notebooks encourage Notes to be organized, logically ordered Information processing in the student’s brain Better understanding of history Interactive Notebook On the right side record your notes in normal way—teacher input side On the left side—student output side
Drawing Graphic organizer Mind map Picture sentence Right Side
Left Side Requires students to process information Requires students to actively do something with the information to internalize it Gives students permission to be playful, imaginative, experimental, creative Allows various learning styles to process information What can go in it???? Anything Drawings Poetry Raps Graphic organizers Cartoons Maps Charts and graphs Invitations Letters from famous people Why Interactive Notebooks? Students use both their visual and linguistic intelligences Approach understanding in many ways Use many types of writing and graphic techniques Each student can select their best medium to explore and learn new content Note taking becomes an active process Students are invited to take notes—it’s fun! Students will read their notes—they have to in order to process for the left side Students will be working with (rehearsing) the information which facilitates learning Students will actively be involved with history Notebooks help students to systematically organize as they learn Organization is key to the notebook Concepts like Table of Contents Numbering pages Recording SOL numbers Topic headings They stress the organization of a book Notebooks become a portfolio of individual learning These are personal Creative They record student growth in history They show progress They serve as a chronological record of the learning and are great for review The Cover Encourage creativity Decorate as student desires Nice opening activity Stress key elements that must appear on the cover Course name Date Class period (Middle and High) Student’s name Getting Started Have students save 5-10 pages at the front of the notebook to house information about notebook, cumulative table of contents. Have them number the pages immediately so that they start in an organized fashion Getting Organized At the front create an organizing page (Table of Contents) This can be as detailed as you desire This will help you when you evaluate Each unit should begin with a title page and have a more detailed list of contents for grading issues Student Handouts The notebook should hold everything when possible Folding and gluing, cutting and gluing are key to organization As students age and material becomes too complex a separate folder (pocket folder) can be added to hold handouts that are multi-paged Key to Successful Notebook Assignments Pay careful attention to how you word and present each assignment Be prepared to explain You are asking students to do something different from traditional assignments If necessary, you may need to model Criteria for Assignments Give explicit details of what you expect
Use verbs Explain where in the notebook Tell what resources should be used Include specific references to colors you want included Encourage creativity and imagination Keep A Master Keep a master notebook of assignment directions and due dates available at all times for absent students Make it the students’ responsibility to make-up incomplete assignments and check on notebook activity when absent Daily Evaluation Suggestions Glance at notebooks each day for the first few weeks of the semester Walk around and give positive comments Get a stamp or use a symbol to monitor This encourages timely accomplishment of assignments Encourages notebook use Points out those who "don’t get it!" so that you can help Depending on the age level—note taking must be supported and taught Pass out a model of outstanding notes for a lecture or activity Have students evaluate their notes as compared to the model On occasion, allow students to use their notebooks to take a quiz Formal Evaluation Up to you but you must do it if you want the students to keep the notebooks Don’t collect them all at once. Do a few each day over a period of time Don’t feel compelled to grade every entry Carefully evaluate what you feel are the most important entries Spot-check other assignments Clearly explain at the beginning of the semester the criteria on which notebooks will be graded Create a notebook evaluation sheet Require students to do a self assessment of their notebooks. Interactive Notebooks if used properly can be the best tool a teacher can have. These notebooks organize student notes and responses, become the major method of test review, and ultimately become a key element for review for the Standards of Learning assessments. These notebooks become the important connection between those dry and sometimes boring notes that the students now transform into vivid, visual elements that soon reside in the student's memory bank! |
This page was updated on: 04/10/02 |