Effective Design Elements for
Web Pages
The Web is...
- A dynamic place
- Key to success
- Determining what information to present
- How to present it effectively
- Some tips from "paper publishing"
- Complex nature of web causes differences
from "paper publishing"
Linear vs. Hypermedia
- Books—begin at first page and start
reading (linear)
- Start at point A and go to point B
- Author controls the unveiling of the
- Web—reader follows any link in any order
- Linking allows person with mouse to journey
in any direction
- Reader controls the unveiling of the
Structuring Your Web Site
- Define your goals
- You need to summarize what you want to get
across before beginning
What is your purpose?
- Map your site
- Create an outline from the top down
(homepage and below)
- Homepage is the front door to your web
Structuring Your Web Site
- How to structure the information?
- Chunking—dividing information into small
- Helps readers digest the information
- One-at-a-time approach
How to link the information?
- How to tie everything together?
- Sketch out the structure of the links before
you begin.
Structuring Your Web Site
- Depth of content
- With linking as an option, can keep
pages short and concise
- Branching allows other information or
discussion to take place without cluttering main topic page
- Navigation
- Themes help users navigate the site
- Graphics as standard navigation controls
- Intuitive images help with navigation (if
use image be sure universally understood or label it in text)
Design Tips
All pages should contain
- Identity
- Look
- Links
- Information
Always link every page to your home page
The Home Page
- State your purpose for the site here
- Should act as a as Table of Contents for the
- Display your logo here (enlarged)
- Provide options for all viewers
- text only
- frames and non-frame views
- if needs special browser or Adobe Acrobat, link to download site for
these programs
Secondary Pages
- Establish consistent style
- Only one or two topics per page
- Consider using wide margins--different
browsers display differently (left to right scrolling is NOT well
- Identify yourself or company with
- Logo should carry identification through the
Capturing Your Audience
- Define your audience
- Match your structure, tone, and style
- Know the characteristics of your target
audience and target the elements to them
- Structure of presentation
- Language
- Style
Consistent Look and Feel
- Develop a "look" that will carry
through all parts of the web site
- Design a logo to tie the pages together
- Be aware of the artistic elements that make
the site look "pleasing to the eye"
Keep it Simple
- Don’t overwhelm with text
- Rule of thumb
- Never cover more than 50% of the screen
- Make good use of white space
- Reading printed material and screen material
requires different skill
- People read computer screen at 25% the
rate they read printed page
Text Style and Graphics
Vary text style
- Create different levels of headings
- Include text attributes that emphasize key
Graphics--one or two
- Great way to provide interest
- Should be design elements to break up text
or provide variety
- Keep small--loads faster
Give People a Reason to Return
- Don’t be a one-shot site
- Entice readers back with:
- Tutorials
- Columns
- Reviews
- Comics
- Tips
- Links
- Update on a regular basis
- Everyone will not enter by the front door
- Link the site with a common graphic or text
element (WordArt)
- Purpose
- Get your name and message out
- Identify and leave a lasting impression
Feedback or Comments
- Web lets you interact
- Need to include a way for readers to
communicate with you
- Feedback link (mailto element) allows
readers to respond and react to your site
Web allows visitors to enter in places other
that the uppermost level
- Provide an easy way to get to the home
page on every secondary page
- Provide links to important pages within
your site (i.e. the site map, page about you, etc.)
- Provide consistent notation at the end of
every page with essential information about the site
Keeping Up to Date
- Nothing is worse that outdated material
- Test links systematically and in a timely
- Dead links definitely date your site
- Regular maintenance is a requirement of good
web site management
Color—What’s it mean?
- Powerful component of design
- Sends message to audience
- Symbolism of color is important
- Cultures have different associations
- This is World Wide Web so be careful
- Styles of color (orange and gold—50s,
avocado green—60s)
energy, violence, intensity
happiness, optimism
tranquility, calm, stability
Orange energy,
balance, flamboyant
healthy, jealousy, envy
nobility, ceremony, wisdom
Gray--reliability, intelligence, staid, boring
home, outdoors, stability
purity, simplicity, cleanliness
Black--power, sophistication, formality, wealth, fear, evil, sadness, anger
Cultural Color Symbolism
- China—celebration, luck
- India—purity
- US—Christmas color, Valentine’s Day,
traffic light
- Eastern cultures—joy
- Asia—sacred, imperial
- Western cultures—joy, happiness
- China—immortality
- Hindus—color of Krishna
- Jews—holiness
- Middle Ease—protective color (safest color
- Ireland—religious significance
- US—Halloween
- China—not good color for packaging—associated
with cheating
- France—not good
- India—color of Islam
- Ireland—religious significance
- Some tropical countries associated with
- US—traffic lights (go), Christmas color,
St Patrick's Day
- Western culture—loneliness
- Columbia—discourages sales
- India—color of mourning
- Eastern cultures—mourning
- Japan—death
- US—purity
- Western culture—death, mourning
- Hindu sacred color (orange/peach color)
- Pastels (pink,
yellow, pale blue)
- Korea—trust
- US—spring, Easter, infants
The Right Font
- Arial, Comic Sans, Courier New, Georgia,
Helvetica, Times New Roman, Verdana
- Times New Roman usually Windows default
- Arial, Chicago, Courier, Geneva,
Helvetica, Times
- Times usually Mac default
- Pick for ease of reading
- Choose first for both (if possible), second
and third for either platform and fourth generic
- Place in font face tag and you are done
<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman,
Times, serif">
Design Don’ts
- Too busy
- Gray
- Invisible text
- Crowded
- Stretched across whole page
- Centered
- All caps
- All bold
- All italic
- All anything all at once
- Useless links
- Dead links
- Distracting links
- Unclear links
- Link colors always blue (should coordinate
with page colors)
- Big (too long in download)
- Meaningless to page
- Thumbnails too big
- Halos on graphics
- No alt labels
- Missing graphics
- Don’t fit on screen
- Borders (turned on when used to space on
- Used as design elements (too cute with
borders and fills)
- Anything
- Multiple blinks
- Rainbow rules
- Under construction signs
- Email pictures
- Animations that never stop
- Multiple animations on page
- Counters—who cares
- Advertising
- Scrolling sideways
- Too many little pictures on first page of
- Unclear—overly complex
- Complicated frames
- Orphan pages (no links back, no
- Useless page titles that don’t explain
wheat the page is about
- Home page that does not fit within the
standard browser window (640 x 460)
- No focal point on page
- Too many focal points on page
- Navigation buttons as the only visual
- Cluttered—not enough alignment
- Lack of contrasts
- Pages that look okay in one browser but
not in another
For More Don’ts
Top 15 Mistakes of First Time Web Designers
REMINDER--Steps for Web Design
- What kind of page—what info?
- How will you present the info?
- What resources (links)?
- Interactivity?
- How to get return visits?
- Who are you writing for?
- How to be user friendly?
- Map it out
- Brainstorm ideas for the what
- Organize the ideas
- Think about file names (lower cas, chart)
- How are you going to get around?
- What are you going to link to?
- How will you accommodate disabilities,
older browsers?
- Visual impact
- Graphics
- Background/contrast
- Font--color, size
- Credit
- Standard closing to each web page
- Author, email address of contact, update
and link check dates, name of host school or organization
- Provide information that verifies that web
page creator knows the information presented is accurate