Publishing Terminology
The consistent positioning of text, graphics, and other objects along
invisible lines.
The invisible line on which a line of type rests.
Body text
The text that forms the main body of a publication.
Clip art
A diverse range of pictures available is most word processing/ desktop
publishing software that cover many styles, subjects, and themes that can be
used in a publication.
The density of text based on the number of characters in a given space.
A small graphic belonging to a picture font such as Wingdings.
Dingbats can be made bold, italicized, underlined, colored or resized
just like text. Also a printer’s
typographical ornament.
Drop cap
An enlarged decorative capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph,
chapter or publication.
Electronic form
An interactive form in a Web site filled out by readers and sent back to
the Web site owner or stored on the Web server.
Font (type or typeface) All the alphabet letters, numerals, punctuation
marks, and symbols of one design.
GIF Graphic
Interface Format. A popular
graphics format for online clip are and drawn graphics.
GIF, Animated
A series of GIF graphics that functions like a film loop, giving the
appearance of movement (animation).
Placeholder text made up of words such as lorem
ipsum dolor sit and so forth (usually Latin).
In software, can be patterned lines that appear automatically when the
characters are too small to read on the screen.
Home page
The first page readers encounter when opening a Web site.
JPEG Joint
Photographic Experts Group. A
graphics format suited for photographs with a continuous range of colors.
Adjustment of the spacing between two characters to make text fit a given
A distinctive symbol that identifies you, your business, or your
organization. It can combine a
name, motto, and graphic.
A single or partial word or a partial line of a paragraph appearing at
the bottom of a page.
A base unit of type measurement. There
are 72 points in an inch.
Pull quote
An excerpt from the body of a story used to emphasize an idea, draw
readers’ attention, or generate interest.
Uneven text alignment (the body text is not fully justified).
The degree of clarity of graphics or text in print or on the screen.
Sans serif
A font without serifs (small finishing strokes).
T ( sans serif) versus T (serif).
A small finishing stroke on a letter T (serif) versus T ( sans serif).
A note alongside the main text that contains interesting or useful
information. A sidebar relates to
but is not essential for understanding of the main text.
Adjustment of the spacing between all characters in a
block of text to make the text fit a given space or to eliminate
“rivers” of white space.
White space
The areas of blank space on a page that can be used in a design for
balance, contrast, and visual appeal.
A short line ending a paragraph, which appears at the top of a page.
Microsoft Publisher 98 Companion.
Microsoft Corporation. 1998.