"The goal of assessment has to be,
above all, to support the improvement of learning and teaching.”
(Frederikson & Collins, 1989)
Assessment is an issue that is in the
forefront of education at the moment. Standards based education and how to
measure achievement is a key issue in the media and the political arena.
It is important to be aware of the various viewpoints as well as the myriad ways
that assessment can be done. Look at the sites below for information and
perhaps inspiration about assessment.
Fair Test: The National Center for
Fair and Open Testing
The National Center for Fair and
Open Testing (FairTest) is an advocacy organization to end abuses, misuses,
and flaws of standardized testing. This website questions
standardized testing and offers innovative solutions and
alternatives to this type of testing.
This website is very interesting and informative especially on the topic
of racial, class, gender, and cultural biases in standardized testing.
How do you feel about standardized
testing? Do you recall any biases in any standardized test that you have
Site Location:
This website contains links to other
sites on assessment. These links will help you to
further research the topic of assessment. I
hope you find this useful!
ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and
Evaluation URL
Site Location:
This website contains a wealth of
information on the subject of evaluation and assessment. On this website
you will find the latest research on assessment, methods
of assessment, test construction, links to other sites, journal articles
pertaining to assessment, alternative methods of
assessments, and frequently asked questions on assessment and
CRESST-The National Center for Research
on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing
The National Center for Research on
Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST)
website contains information on their latest research pertaining to K-12
assessment. I found this website to be most valuable. CRESST also has
available assessment products such as video tapes
and books that can be purchased.
Understanding Authentic Classroom-Based
Literacy Assessment
Critical Issue: Assessing Young
Children's Progress Appropriately
Site Location:
1. Click on "Assessing Young
Children's Progress Appropriately". 2. Read through the section
titled "Issues" and answer for yourself the questions at the
end of the section. 3. Read through the
"Overview" section. 4. Note that there are different ways to
assess younger children compared to those at the primary level. 5. Click
on "Abuses and Misuses of Tests For Assessing
Young Children and read through that section. 6. Read through
"Action Options". 7. Click on "Necessary Assessment
Information". 8. Ask yourself ways you would
be able to talk to the parents about the ways you use assessment in the
Standards and Assessment
Interactive Response-Based Multimedia
1. Scroll down to "Main
Objectives". 2. Notice the first point that is being presented to you.
That point will give you an idea for what assessment should be. 3.Scroll
down to "Principles of Educational
Assessment". 4. Ask yourself if you consider all of these points
when assessing a student. 5. How effectively do you think you assess the
students in your classroom? Could you improve the
way you use assessment in the classroom?
Standardized Testing Data: Pre &
Post Reforms
Student Assessment and Testing
Electronic Portfolio Planning Issues
Ask ERIC Lesson Plans site is a good
site to search for lesson plans
National Center for Research on
Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing
Site Location:
This site is funded by the US
Department of Education and the Office of Educational
Research and Improvement, the National
Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and
Student Teaching. It's main focus is to conduct research on important topics
related to K-12 educational testing.
Guidelines: Evaluating Assessment
Mathematics Toolkit: Student Assessment
Managing Assessment Information
Site Location:
1)Look through these different sites
and links within these sites. 2)See the numerous
different ways of assessing any age group
in any area. 3)Find some that interest you and
that you may use in your future career. 4)Look for the positive and
negative parts of
each. 5)Pick out the positive parts that you think would be effective in
your setting and come up with your own way of
assessing or grading the group you will be educating.
6)Come to class prepared to discuss some different assessments and to share
your ideas.
Assessment and Evaluation
1)Look through these different sites
and links within these sites. 2)See the numerous
different ways of assessing any age group
in any area. 3)Find some that interest you
and that you may use in your future career.
4)Look for the positive and negative parts
of each. 5)Pick out the positive parts that
you think would be effective in your setting
and come up with your own way of assessing
or grading the group you will be educating. 6)Come to class prepared to
discuss some different assessments and to
share your ideas.
Assessment & Curriculum tools for
teachers from Strategic Learning Technologies
Site Location:
1)Look through these different sites
and links within these sites. 2)See the numerous
different ways of assessing any age group
in any area. 3)Find some that interest you
and that you may use in your future career.
4)Look for the positive and negative parts
of each. 5)Pick out the positive parts that
you think would be effective in your setting
and come up with your own way of assessing
or grading the group you will be educating. 6)Come to class prepared to
discuss some different assessments and to
share your ideas.
Online Learning Record
1)Look through these different sites
and links within these sites. 2)See the numerous
different ways of assessing any age group
in any area. 3)Find some that interest you
and that you may use in your future career.
4)Look for the positive and negative parts
of each. 5)Pick out the positive parts that
you think would be effective in your setting and
come up with your own way of assessing or grading the group you will be
educating. 6)Come to class prepared to
discuss some different assessments and to
share your ideas.
Designing Performance Assessments
Alternative Assessment
Forms of Alternative Assessment
Portfolios-Literacy Assessment
Non-Graded Assessment
McREL Standards for Learning
he next stop is the website from the
Mid-Continent Research for Education and
Learning. McREL has received international
recognition for this compendium of more than 600 pages on the identification and
articulation of content standards and benchmarks. Discussion: Why do we need to
think about standards when designing project based learning?
In the Content Knowledge: What are eight
questions you should ask before
implementing standards-based education at the local level? Discussion: What is a "standard"? What is a
"benchmark"? How do they correspond to
"essential" and "unit" questions? In
the Content Knowledge Table of Contents: Browse the standards and significant
reports for the topic area of your choice. In
the Connections+: Read through activities and lessons in the topic of
your choice to gains ideas of standards
integration and implementation. Readdress:
Why do we need to think about standards when designing project based learning?