Your Electronic
Presentation: Get Prepared
Advantages to electronic presentations: ·
You can change right up to the last minute ·
Slide transition and animations provide
more control over pacing. ·
Text and graphic animations capture
attention and help illustrate the points you want to make. ·
You can use multimedia effects such as
sound and video to your best advantage. Animations and Slide TransitionsWhen you use an animation, each time you click the mouse, another item on your slide appears. This is known as progressive disclosure. It keeps the audience from reading ahead of you while you’re still making a point related to the first item on your slide. In Slide Show menu you can use the Preset Animation and Custom Animation commands to apply animations to selected items on a slide. When you move to the next item in an animation, previously displayed items can be dimmed, hidden, or changed to a different color. You can set text items, including bullets and titles, to animate one character, one word or one paragraph at a time. You can create more than one animation per slide, and determine the order in which they are activated. You can also add special transitions
between slides by clicking Slide Transition (in Slide Show menu). Advancing to the next slide automatically activates any
transition effects you apply which can include sound effects. Hidden Slides When you prepare your presentation, you
may anticipate any difficult questions that might come up and have slides ready
to answer them. If your slides
contain information that you would rather not discuss unless absolutely
necessary use the Hide Slide command (Slide Show menu) to hide them.
During the presentation you can use them or skip them if not necessary to
your discussion. Return to Presentations Handout
This page was updated on: 04/10/02 |