Cascading Style Sheets
Total Control of the
"Look" of Pages on Your Site
Why CSS?
HTML can be frustrating in
controlling appearance of the page
Tables are awkward
Frames are annoying
Font tags overwhelm your code
Now something new!!!
The Truth
HTML was intended to mark up only
web page structure NOT how it displays on screen
CSS makes it easy to define a page’s
appearance without affecting the HTML structure
Style sheets work like templates
Define style for particular HTML
Use over and over
Foster consistency—change in
style sheet affects entire page or site
CSS1 and CSS2
Element styles defined
Page appearance
Specify elements’ visibilities
Precision positions
How to overlap elements
How CSS Works
Groups of style rules
Groups of properties that define
how an HTML element appears in a web browser
Can be defined within a document
or in an external file
Your First Style Sheet
HTML is really tied to the content
of the page and less and less to the "LOOK"
CSS are the tool that describes
how your page should look
CSS is not hard just different
Trickiest part
Remembering all the different
choices you have
Common adjustments like fonts
are easy to control
Conflicting Style Definitions
More that one style sheet can be
used in the same document
If conflicts exist, the style
closest to the individual tag wins
Instead of writing the code every
time you write your H3 command your define the style in a style sheet selector
H3 {font-family: Arial;
font-style:italic; color:green}
Four ways to combine styles with
Defining style in the head
Defining style in the body
Creating an external style sheet
Importing an external style
sheet file
Beginning Style Sheets
Complete consistency and control
Invented 1997
Eventually will replace tags such
as <font>
Three parts
The styles
Their placement
Fact that they can cascade
Common styles
Color and size of text
To get a blue headline you would
color=#0000ff><h1>a blue headline</h1></font>
No way to assure that all
<h1> headlines will be blue unless type this every time
Declare that all H1 headlines
are blue for all pages that the style sheet controls
H1 {color:#0000ff;}
<h1>another blue
Style sheets can be placed in four
In the <head>
Affect web page
In the <body>
Affect web page
In an external file
Affect entire site or pages that
load the style sheet
Within an individual tag
Affect this tag only
Defining Style in the
Best way for a single document
Place selector and the style
definitions inside comment tags nestled within the <style> element
Comment tags ensure that rules don’t
appear or cause errors in older browsers
<STYLE> tag
Placed in header of HTML document
Enclose in <style>…</style>
Good idea to define the mime type
for your browser
Usually "text/css"
Put the style rules within comment
tags so that older browsers do not display them as text on the page
<- -!
H4 {color: blue}
- ->
Writing Your Style Sheet
Place the information in the head
of your HTML document
<- -!
P{color : #000000; font-family :
arial narrow; font-size : medium;}
H1 {color : #ff0000; font-weight
: bold; font-variant : small-caps;}
H2 {color : #0000ff; font-style
: italics;}
.note{background-color :
- ->
Defining in the <body>
Add the style attribute to an HTML
While this works it defeats the
purpose of CSS
This creates the unique instance
and is no different than regular coding
Good for applying a style to a
<div> or <span> tag
Unique area of the web page
Style File
Create a separate document will
all style info in it
Link or import it into document
For large site, this is way to go
Simple way to dictate how all
instances of a tag will display
Supported by all 4.0 browsers
HTML tag <link>
REL—tells what you are linking
TYPE—defines the type for the
HREF—path to the .css file
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
External Style Sheets
Affect several pages or the entire
First create the style file
Name it with .css extension
font-style:italic; color:green}
Use the <link> element to
call in the style sheet on you web page
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="basic.css" title="style1">
Creating Style Sheets
Decide what you want the text,
background, etc. to look like
Color, font, style, typeface,
headings, are all controlled here
CSS elements that change font
Family, size, style, variant,
weight, color, background color
First three styles set the tags
<p>, <h1> and <h2>
Final style notation is used with
the class attribute
Requires use of the <span>…</span>
Styles set by the first tag will
be inherited by any tag within the span tag
Don’t have to set color or
size again
Using CSS Site Wide
Keeps site consistent
Link or import an external style
All pages will have the same
style (LOOK)
Control the look and feel of the
site at once (in one file)
Maintain your style rules
Avoid constant reference to
printed style guide
Create classes of styles that
can be used on many different HTML elements
Easily group your styles—more
Increases download time
External style sheets are
extremely large
If only have small number of
styles, increases the complexity of the page
Display is slow
Have to wait until entire style
sheet is loaded before page display
Creating External Style Sheets
Created with similar syntax to
document level (in the <head>)
Rules for the site are written in
a text file with the extension .css
Not required but a good habit
Makes file easily recognizable
in your directory listing
Once created must link to your
site documents (web pages)
Evolution of Style Sheets
Help to make web pages compatible
to all browsers
Designed solely to define
appearance as efficiently as possible
Browser support has been slow
Positioning with CCS Level 2
New level of control
Place each object exactly where
you want it on a web page without resorting to tables
Works like this
When browser places an object on
a page with CSS2 it creates an invisible rectangle called a box
You can set the box’s exact
distance from the top or left edges (absolute positioning)
You can set the box in relation
to other objects on the page (relative positioning)
You can specify the height and
width of the box
You can layer objects on top of
one another
You can overlap objects
(clipping feature)
You can make entire objects
visible or invisible
Position: How to
First declare the position
Absolute or relative
H1{position: absolute; top: 150
px; width:200px; height:200 px}
Use an imported style sheet within
a document level sheet
can import the attributes of an
external style sheet while not losing any document specific ones
Only supported in IE
NOTE: Import is still
"buggy" in Netscape 4.0
Called within a document level
style declaration
Use URL("basic.css")
to include the basic stylesheet
@import URL
(http://www.yoursite.com/styles.css);…continue styles
Combining Styles
Often combination of methods is
Linked style sheet helps maintain
consistent look
Certain page different look so add
additional styles
Certain section of a page add
additional styles
Merge as many external style
sheets as you want by using multiple link tags
Cascading Style Sheets
Controls the behavior on the page
Can be easily changed for specific
Can be simple or complex
Can control text box position or
image location
Gives your site a new look by
changing only one file
Create an order of precedence for
the browser to apply the style rules in multiple sheets
Style rule or sheet with highest
precedence is the one used
Succeeding links or imports will
override preceding
Rules within the document itself
will override the style sheets
Innermost style sheet wins
Cascading Rules
Look for the style element that is
created, if it is not in the document, use the default rules in the browser.
Determine if any of the style
rules are marked as important and apply those to the appropriate elements.
Any style rules in the document
will have precedence over the default browser settings.
Cascading Rules
The more specific the style rule,
the higher the precedence it will have.
Finally, if two rules apply to the
same element, the one that was loaded last will have the highest precedence.
Define CSS Styles
Selector format
Definition is a combination of a
property and its value
Values are specific traits the
property can have
To include multiple properties in
the same definition separate with semicolons
Defining Styles
To make style easier to read,
stack the properties
To define more than one value for
a single property add them on separated by commas
H3{font-family:Helvetica, Arial,
san-serif; font-style:bold; color:green}
Browser will go down typefaces
until finds one it recognizes
Define a class and you can attach
it to any HTML element
Define a class by giving it a name
preceded by a period
Once named you use the class
within the HTML tag
class="periwinkle">Text periwinkle bold.</STRONG>
ID for Javascript
Ids used like class except
preceded by a number sign (#)
#bright{font-weight: bolder;
color: #00ff00}
In tag looks like this
id="bright">This is bright text.</p>
Unless working in scripts
(Javascript) stick with classes
Grouping Selectors
Group selectors with common styles
Separate them with a comma
Now all H1, bold emphasized, and
table data elements will be Arial blue
IF you want one of these to have
an additional element add that separately
Advantages of CSS
Use less code
Don’t have to repeat tags in
every page
Only have to worry about the
content of a page
Easy to change the look of the
site without touching or risking the content
Redesign is a matter of hours
instead of days or weeks
Problems with CSS
Relatively late appearance and
First support
IE 3.0
Netscape 4.0
Will not work in earlier versions
than those noted above
Can’t design completely with CSS
Not widely accepted in the
Everyone familiar with frames,
tables, font tags, spacer images, etc.
Not easy to convince them to
Must relearn and invest time and
money in the change
Must retool all pages if go to CSS
Does NOT work in earlier
versions of IE and Netscape
CSS Tutorials
CSS Reference Table found at