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Course Syllabus

 EDU 6617                                           Graphics Design

Course Number                                                                        Course Title

 Cynthia W. Sparks, Ed. D.                Term II  10/19,20; 11/2,3; 11/30,12/1

Instructor                                                                                  Term/Dates

MEETING DATE AND TIME:       Friday, 4:30-9:30, Saturday 8:00-6:00.  Please check in at the quarterdeck for each class meeting.

CONSULTATION HOURS: Dr. Sparks will be available in the assigned classroom before and after each class session.  She may be reached at 421-7346 (H) or 547-0153 ext. 199 (W).

E-mail address:

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  A study of graphic design principles as they apply to the development of multimedia instructional courseware.  The course integrates advanced graphics, multimedia authoring, and web design software to teach the student relevant technology as it applies to instructional design.  Students apply graphic design principles in developing a variety of multimedia instructional products working as individuals and in teams.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course students will:

·        Acquire a technology vocabulary and knowledge of computer concepts.

·        Acquire an understanding of the impact of the Internet on classroom instruction.

·        Acquire an understanding of web page development needed to use computers professionally.          

·        Develop competence in using computers in the area of education.

·        Develop a theoretical rationale for the use of computers in education.  

·        Demonstrate an understanding of the application of the Internet and web page development in education.

·        Gain exposure to real life experiences in designing and using computers in the classroom.

·        Gain exposure to uses of and be able to evaluate web sites for educational application.

·        Develop graphic design principles in creating multimedia projects.

·        Gain experience in both individual and group project development.

Students will fulfill the requirements for the Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel:  
Standard 4   Use electronic technologies to access and exchange information.  
Standard 6   Use educational technologies for data collection, information management, problem solving, decision-making, communications, and presentations within the curriculum.  
Standard 8   Demonstrate knowledge of ethical and legal issues relating to the use of technology.  

TEACHING METHODS: This course will be taught in a computer lab with hands on activities. The class will require participation from students in exploring the Internet, using and designing graphics for effective communication, and developing web pages for posting on the web.  This class assumes that students have a basic understanding of the computer and basic applications.  This is an intermediate/ advanced level class where students will learn to create web pages for posting on the web. 

GRADING POLICY:    There will be a final exam that counts 25 % and demonstrates student’s skills learned with basic computer applications.  A research paper (case study) on a topic of the student’s choice which counts 25%.  Four evaluative reports on web sites dealing with your instructional area and focusing on graphic design in education for 20%.  A web page created by the student and classroom presentation of the page worth 30%.

Guidelines for Article Review:

1.         Select four web sites relating to your instructional area.  The sites can relate to any subject of interest to you concerning technology and your content area.  These sites must display graphic design elements. 

2.         A printout of the web site should be submitted with each review.

3.         Each review of a web site will be one page word processed, single spaced with bibliographical information on in the upper right hand corner.  Particular attention should be given to “the look” (graphic design elements) of the site.

4.         The one page will include a concise summary of the content of the web site (site’s purpose, main points, etc.) and critique (your evaluation, comparisons, etc.).  The critique should relate to your job experience, general experience, and knowledge gained from other related readings.

5.         Sites for review should be dated 1999 or later.  

Guidelines for Research Paper/Case Study

1.         Identify an educational environment or topic related to instructional technology appropriate for a review.  The topic for study can relate to any concept that you wish to study related to technology in your particular job.

2.         The length of the paper will depend on the depth of your study but will be double spaced with an introduction, purpose, summary, and bibliography. Each paper will begin with an executive summary that states the main purpose of the research detailed in the paper.

3.         Research must be written according to the APA Publication Manual.

4.         Each study will include a final section summarizing knowledge gained.   

Guidelines for Web Project and Presentation.

1.         Identify a topic for instruction on which you can create a web museum.  Your project should be a method for instruction of your content. The elements of a web museum will be discussed during the first weekend of class.  (See Handouts--Virtual Museum for information and models of virtual museums.)

2.         Plan and design the pages so that they support instruction in your selected area.  Be sure to include bibliographic sources for your information and the many concepts we will discuss as we evaluate web sites.

3.            Be sure to focus on the graphic design elements that will be discussed in the class.

3.         Create a multimedia presentation to show the merits of your virtual museum and provide a copy of the project to the instructor upon completion of the oral presentation.

REQUIRED TEXT:  None.  Web site address will be supplied where all handouts and notes will be posted.

CLASS SCHEDULE:           




Class 1

Basic review of web page development (HTML tips and elements)

Brief review of PowerPoint

Establish an e-mail account and E-mail the instructor giving her the address and a self-assessment of your computer skills.

Research ideas for your Virtual Museum

Class 2


Elements of a web museum

Activity 1  HTML—design a page layout with basic coding of key elements

**Begin assignment of creating bookmarks of sites explored in specific categories. Category 1—graphic design elements

Class 3

Basic Graphic Design—Elements that Work

Paint Shop Pro

Create site map of your virtual museum

Create a list of web sites that show the successful use of the elements we discuss in class. Category 2—your content area

Class 4

HTML/Web Page Development—Five Elements of Good Design

Graphics Create, Manipulate, Convert, Modify

Create the index page for your virtual museum (the entrance to your virtual museum)

Category 3—Web page elements

Class 5

Web Site Usability—Graphic Design at Work

Create at least two secondary pages for your virtual museum.  Link them to your index page.

Class 6

Final Project presentations

Final Exam (afternoon)*


*Schedule of Presenters to be determined.  

RECOMMENDED READING:      Current articles from periodicals dealing with instructional technology.  

Idiots Guide to Paint Shop Pro by Nat Gertler.  Alpha Books.  2001.

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT:          Any student whose disabilities fall within ADA must inform the instructor at the beginning of the term of any special needs or equipment necessary to accomplish the requirements for this course.

ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Students who have or may be dealing with a disability or learning difficulty should speak with the instructor or contact the Office of Student Services at 451-8202.

This page was updated on:  04/10/02