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What are Bookmarks?

Bookmarks are a method of recording the location of a URL for later retrieval.

Creating Bookmarks

  1. To create a bookmark simply click on the word bookmark and Add Bookmark.  This stores the URL for later use.
  2. When you want to visit this location again simply click on Bookmark and then the name of the site you noted earlier.  Away you go to that location.
  3. Bookmarks are an easy way to select sites that you wish to return to or think that you might want to visit again.  They are an excellent tool for teaching and lesson planning.  You can bookmark sites, save the bookmarks to disk and upload them to the server for the use of your class. 

Accessing Your Bookmarks

  1. Netscape allows you to save your bookmarks to disk. 
  2. This means that you can import those files to other computers.
  3. Open Netscape and got to Bookmarks, Edit Bookmarks.  Under the file menu you can open your bookmarks from the file or import them for permanent transfer to the machine you are currently using.
  4. Now you can click on the site that you wish to visit.

Organizing Your Bookmarks

  1. Go to Bookmarks, Edit Bookmarks
  2. Use File, New folder
  3. Name your folder a general category that will help to get your bookmarks organized
  4. Drag and drop the bookmarks into the folder
  5. This creates a cascading series of folders that allows you to organize you bookmarks into categories.

Posting Teacher Bookmarks for Student Use


  1. Use bookmarks to label the sites that you want students to use.
  2. Insert a diskette and click on File.
  3. Select the a: drive.
  4. Click on Save As, give the file a name and add ".htm"(example: smith.htm)
  5. You can then upload your bookmarks individually by importing to each machine or get assistance from the person responsible for the server in your school to post the bookmarks on the server for student use.

Computer Resource Teacher

  1. Create a folder for bookmarks in the public directory.
  2. Copy the teacher bookmark file into the bookmark folder.
  3. Make the file "read only" to prevent students from changing the bookmarks once they open the file.
  4. Students can access the bookmarks from the server for use during a class or on any machine on the network.
This page was updated on:  04/10/02