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Paint Shop Pro
Graphics and the Internet

Graphics Programs

  • Are more complex
  • Require practice to become adept with them
  • Promise and deliver much
  • Usually can’t jump right in and get started
  • Think before you leap can be important
  • Save time and possibly money if pre-plan

Choosing an Image Size

Depends on what your final use will be

  • Computer screen
  • Print material
  • Web

If computer—640x480

  • Must plan for the least able
  • Resolution—72dpi (normal for most computers)

If printing

The dpi more important 300x300 or 600x600


Remember your RAM

Images with high resolution take up more memory

  • 72dpi = 4"x6" (about 385KB compressed)
  • 300 dpi = full screen (6MB compressed)

Downsizing results in a better image than upsizing

  • Small to large—poor quality
  • Large to small—results much better

Image Type

Image type—number of colors (color resolution)

If scanning

  • Use the highest setting available for photographs
  • Use lower setting if work is black and white


Scanning software will normally adjust the number of colors based on the type of image

Keep copy of original image in the highest resolution in case you need to change later

Changing color resolution over and over degrades image quality

Image Type

Depends on the image being created and the purpose

Start with high color resolution

Especially if you want to use effects

Set the width, height, and resolution in New Image dialog box

Start with 16.7 million colors—that way you can use all the tools and downgrade later

Creating a Simple Image

  • Open image 500x500
  • Set resolution to 72 ppi
  • Set background color as white
  • Image type set to 16.7 million colors
  • Select the Preset Shapes tool
  • Set the stroke and fill colors by moving the mouse over the color swatches. Left click and right click to set the colors
  • Tool options window—button to the right of the shape—choose rectangle
  • Set the line width to 2 (leave Antialias checked; uncheck the Vector option)

Create your image

Click and drag the mouse within the image window

Now reset the foreground color by choosing a color from the color swatch

Under the color swatches click and hold the Fill Style to set the style

Choose another color in the Tool Options window set the Shape Type to circle

Click and drag the mouse

Avoiding Aliased Images

Jagged edges are aliased

Result of taking a analog shape and digitizing it (circle)

Curves like those in the circle are made up of a grid of pixels

  • Not possible to create a curve without the jagged look
  • Process of anti-aliasing gives smoother appearance

Anti-aliasing uses mathematics and shades of color to fool the eye into believing the edge is smooth

Brush Tips

Select the Paint Brush tool

Use the controls in the Brush Tip palette to set the various options

Draw on your image to get the feel of the various brush tip options

  • Brush preview—upper left corner of the Brush Tip tabbed palette
  • Shows what brush looks like and gives you idea of the effect you will get with it

Lower opacity—can see previous lines drawn if lower enough (can replicate the masters)


Open a new 500x500 image, white background, 16.7 million colors

Set the stroke style to none and set the fill color to black—0 value for red, green, blue

Color Dialog box—click on swatch to get it

  • Upper left corner see swatch
  • Select common colors
  • More complex are selected by either entering RGB values or selecting from wheel

Continue Edit

Draw two circles that don’t touch

Change fill color to really dark blue (almost black) and draw a rectangle that partly covers each circle

Set the stroke color to a bright yellow and click the Lock option in the Color palette

Click the Color Replacer Options tab in the Tool Options window and set Tolerance to 0

Set the stroke color to bright yellow and click on the image (the rectangle should turn yellow)

To reverse the process double-click

Change the Tolerance to 80 and all three objects will change

Fixing Errors

Don’t forget the Undo feature

Also remember the feature that allows you to return to the original file before all your changes this session

Sometimes you just need to regroup when working with graphics

This page was updated on:  04/10/02