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Word Processing

Most commonly used of the productivity application software

Can support nearly any kind of task or teaching activity

WYSIWYG--"What you see is what you get"


Storing documents for later use

Erasing and inserting text

Search and replace

Moving and copying text

Word wrap

Change style and appearance easily


Automatic headers, footers, pagination

Inserting text prepared on other word processors

Checking and correcting spelling 

Suggesting words

Reviewing style and grammer

Allowing insertion of graphics

Merging text with database or spreadsheet files


When to begin word processing instruction

When to begin keyboarding instruction

Effects on handwritting

Impact on assessment


Improve writing and attitudes only if used in the context of good writing instruction

Only effective if student has time to learn word processing procedures before writing instruction begins

Word processing alone cannot improve the quality of writing but helps with corrections and motivation to write more

Students who use word processing tend to write more, revise more, make fewer errors and have better attitudes toward writing

Common Problems

Forgetting to move the cursor before typing

Forgetting to highlight before changing format

Losing part of a document

Forgetting automatic word wrap

Problems with naming and saving files

Spacing problems (top and bottom of document and blank lines within the document)

Problems with find and replace

Source:    Roblyer, M.D. and Edwards, Jack.  Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching.  Prentice Hall. Columbus, Ohio, 1997.

This page was updated on:  04/10/02