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Acceptable Use Procedure

What is an AUP?

A document that defines acceptable procedures for using an instructional opportunity, the Internet. It is designed to clarify user expectations, reduce inappropriate uses, and limit provider liability.

Why have an AUP?

To ensure that Internet use supports research and education

To promote "Netiquette"

To ensure that Internet use is consistent with  educational objectives

To provide personal security

Top Ten Guidelines for Internet Use

10.  The Internet is an instructional tool!

The Internet is an educational tool.

Internet use should support content-oriented objectives.

The Internet is not to be used for "free-time."

9.  Preview sites for appropriateness!

Teachers are the first filter

Sites and links should be evaluated prior to use

Detailed lesson plans should be provided

8.  Students must be informed of accepted guidelines!

ALL students must be instructed on and should comply with the AUP.

Students should firmly understand "netiquette."

Students should comprehend responsibilities and consequences for inappropriate use.

7.  Supervise Student Use!

Become familiar with Internet procedures

Supervise student Internet use at all times

Create lesson plans to provide guidance for student research

6.  Ensure consideration and respect for others!

Malicious use of the network is prohibited

Hardware and software must not be destroyed, modified or abused in any way

5.  Always remember copyright concerns!

Always quote sources and give credit for others’ work

Credit must be given for all work including writings, artwork, pictures, etc.

4.  Use software appropriately!

If downloading software, be aware of copyright laws

Materials protected by copyright will not be distributed or stored on school computers

Know your licensing agreements

3.  Protect the privacy of others!

Personal information should not be transmitted across the network

Network accounts are to be used only by authorized owners.

2.  Teachers must enforce the consequences of unacceptable use!

An infraction may result in suspension or termination of privileges

Disciplinary action may be necessary for other infractions

Virginia Computer Crimes Act

The VA Computer Crimes Act places penalties from a misdemeanor to a class 6 felony for computer fraud, trespass, invasion of privacy, theft of services, forgery, or damages to computer data, networks, programs or software.

1.  Security and Safety!

The regulations set forth in the AUP revolve around this theme

Consider the AUP a guidebook for Internet use

It provides safety measures which increase accessibility.

The Acceptable Use Procedure

Protects individual privacy while providing access to the Internet.

Provides a basic list of the ground rules for using the Internet.

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This page was updated on:  04/10/02