Odds and Ends of HTML
Some Neat Code Elements and other features of HTML

Some Windows Functions
Alt + Tab
Hop between open applications.  Hold down the Alt key and tap the Tab key one or more times to cycle through the open applications
Alt + Esc
This also toggles among open windows.  Hold down the Alt key and tap the Esc to move between open applications
Ctrl + Esc
Displays the task bar and shows the start menu

Software:  Let’s You Edit Code—Use These to Create Web Pages
Notepad (save as All Files)
FrontPage 2000 ( click HTML tab)
Word 6 or earlier (save as plain text)
WordPerfect, MS Works, or ClarisWorks (pre 1997 versions)
Hot Dog, HTML Assistant, or HTMLed ( text-based shareware HTML editors)

Software:  Hides or Messes up the Code—Do Not Use These
WordPad (will not save text documents properly)
FrontPage 98 (wrecks the HTML code)
Microsoft Word 95, 97, or 2000 (hides code, rewrites your code)
WordPerfect 9 or 10 or Claris Home Page (won’t let you write HTML without a fight)
HotMeTaL or InContext Spider (shareware that hides the code)
Netscape Composer (replaces code with a mess)
Adobe PageMill (full of bugs, hides HTML code)

Nesting Lists
You can nest an ordered list within an ordered list
Create a list with bullets and items with numbers under it

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Web Page Design
Overall visual effect
Apply your HTML skills wisely
Way elements fit together on the page help to communicate your message

Key Elements of Page Design

Key Elements of Page Design

Key Elements of Page Design

Wrapping text around an image
<img align=“right” /> or <img align=“left” />
<br clear=“right” /> (clears to bottom of picture)
Hspace command adds space on the top and bottom of picture
Vspace command adds space to right and left
Command  <img src=“cat.gif” align=“left” width=“140” height=“100” border=“3” hspace=“20” vspace=“5” />

Background Banner
You can use image graphics to create borders on the side of the page or at top or bottom.
You can create images that act as borders, rules, images breaks for your text
OR you can place an image as the background and have the text move and the image stay stationary

Image Attributes—Tag <img />

Stationary Background
To keep your background still and the text moves over it
Part of the Body command
This keeps the background color or image stationary and the text moves over the page

Sound is great but a problem because the two major browsers do it differently
Netscape uses EMBED tag
IE uses the BGSOUND tag
To fix for both use the following code
<BGSOUND SRC=“mysound.wav” LOOP=“1”>
<EMBED SRC=“mysound.wav” AUTOSTART=“true” LOOP=“1” “HIDDEN=“true”>

Embed also works for placing video on the page
Needs to be in Windows .avi format
To start a video and repeat it as long as the page displays looks like next page
Place immediately after the body command

  <embed src="3dtetra2.avi" autostart="true" loop="true"
   width="160" height="120" vspace="10" hspace="20"
align="left" />
 <noembed>   <a href="3dtetra2.avi">
   <img src="3dtetra.jpg" border="0" align="left"
  width="160" height="120" vspace="10" hspace="20" /> </a>
 </noembed>View Sample at http://24hourhtmlcafe.com/hour16/video1.htm  Video

For assistance the best site is the HTML Compendium
Here you can find all the codes
Just copy and past the code elements from the view source page and substitute your words or other elements

Hit Counters and Guest books
Two most popular things people want on web pages
Check the following places for samples

Java Applets
Small program created using the Java language
insert the code and modify as needed
Applet Depot
Java Boutique

Sample Applet
Movement on a page is great to focus interest
The slide applet is one of the most popular
Get the applet at  JavaBoutique
Several free ones to choose from

Samples in Action
Slider lets you bring in information from the top and loads extremely fast
Sample Slide from Top
Layer slide allows action from the left side of your page and again extremely fast load
Sample File Screen
Java has so many different applets available to do very exciting movement on your pages

Interactive Animation Tools
Macromedia Flash
Animation Shop
Tutorial located at http://www.pinoy7.com/tutorials/

Getting Your Page on the Web

File Transfer Protocol
What you must know
The web address of your ftp server
The user login name
The user login password
Most web hosts will provide this information when you sign up for a space on the FTP server

What you need???
Some files to transfer
An FTP program
Free popular programs
Both available at http://www.tucows.com

How do you do it???
Log in to your host
You must have an active Internet connection before beginning the transfer
Open you ftp program
On one side will be the location of the files you want to transfer
On the other side will be your web host files

Drag and Drop
Just drag the files you want to transfer
Identify the files you want to transfer and select Transfer from the menu
(Depends on which ftp program you use)
Your files are transferred

Go Live
Your site is live
Before you Go Live be sure
You have proofed your work
You have checked your links
You have everything in the same folder
You have all your references noted on your pages

So Let’s Go
You have all the tools
You have a great deal of knowledge
I look forward to seeing your final web sites tomorrow!

Where to Go?  Free Web Space
Tripod (edit, load, modify from any Internet connection)  http://www.tripod.lycos.com
Angelfire  http://www.angelfire.lycos.com
Geocities http://www.geocities.yahoo.com
Cybercities  http://www.cybercities.com

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Oliver, Dick.  Teach Yourself HTML.  Macmillan Computer Publishing, 2001.